When "I" Gets In the Way

Every January we, as a family, do the Daniel Fast with the church. Sometimes we are very successful and others......well, not so much! We are human after all.  This year I started out with a particular goal in mind; however; God took me elsewhere.

So there I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking my coffee and writing in my journal.  "I" was making big plans. "I" had a list of things "I" wanted to achieve, a list of people "I" wanted to pray for, and a list of where "I" wanted to see change. It was going to be great and "I" was going to get God's attention and together WE were going to change lives......or so "I" thought.  Did you notice all those "I's" in quotes? Apparently that was my FIRST mistake! Silly me thinking "I" had any say so in the outcome.  I'm pretty sure God got a good laugh out of my plan making for Him.

EVERY.SINGLE.DAY "I" was taught the lesson. EVERY.SINGLE.PRAYER over EVERY.SINGLE.ASPECT of my life, "I" was taught the lesson. "I" have been stretched, torn down and reformed ONLY to be stretched some more. I've never been so uncomfortable in my life. Never would I have called myself a selfish person before this fast but I'm here to tell you, God opened my eyes. He showed me ALL the areas where "I" needed work and how "I" needed to get out of the way.  Did I stop praying for everything else I had so eagerly jotted down? No, I didn't. However, I did change the way I prayed about it.  I prayed for scriptures and conformation.  I prayed for God to let me see things the way He does. I prayed for understanding.  I prayed for His will.  And when I took the "I's" out of the equation and let God take over, I watched beautiful things unfold.  I've been taught valuable lessons. I've been renewed and given hope when I thought there wasn't any.  I've been given another chance to make things right.  I've also been given several messages to share, but those are deserving of their own blogs.

So for now, remember, grow through what you go through.  There is always a lesson to be learned.

Be blessed my friends!


  1. Very well said! I have been trying to change the way I pray also. It's so hard to take the "I" out, especially as women that "know" what we want. Thing is, God knows our hearts and what we really need! Love this and you! Can't wait to read more!! - SB

  2. Love!!! I try so hard to do everything that needs to be done in a short time and I make sure to take care of others and their needs before me. Yet, I intervene if there are problems when I more than likely need to step back and let God do his work. It's a struggle but I'm working on it. I pray a rosary every Sunday and try to on other days as well. I've been dedicating at least 1 decade to the forgotten souls and another to those that are alone and need guidance. I just hope those prayers reach the ones who need them. I know I'm no where near I should be, but it's a start. ❤

  3. Enjoyed. Yes you are so right, we have to take "I" out of it with God's help. And it is so difficult to do. Being a mother with all the motherly ways it is so hard not to mother God and to let Him do His will. Can't wait to read your other blogs to come.

  4. Oh Sweet Friend you said this soo perfectly!


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